Inaugural HUB Expo a Success

More than 80 local women- and minority-owned businesses participated in UNC Charlotte’s inaugural Historically Underutilized Business Expo on Tuesday, April 23, held in the quad area across from the Popp Martin Student Union.
“As a University, we strive to ensure that businesses, owned and operated by minorities, women and individuals with disabilities, have access to purchasing and contracting opportunities within our institution,” said Trever Swint, Charlotte’s HUB coordinator.
Industries represented at the HUB Expo included design and construction, personal services, office-related products and services, I.T. services and food services.
“The energy and connection at the expo was great,” said one vendor. Another said, “We made valuable connections that will definitely increase our reach.”
Attendees also participated in a variety of learning sessions throughout the expo including building an online presence, networking strategies for HUB vendors and branding basics for small businesses.
HUB certifications are for businesses that are 51% owned, operated and controlled by one of the following: minorities (Black, Hispanic, Asian American and Native American), women, disabled persons and socially or economically disadvantaged persons.