University welcomes new employees
UNC Charlotte welcomed the following staff members during the Oct. 18-19 New Employee Orientation session:
Athletic Academic Center
Ashleigh Smith, assistant director and tutor
Atkins Library
Analiz Laracuente-Espinal, administrative support associate
Belk College of Business
Samantha Baranowski, marketing and communications manager
Building Environmental Services
Faustin Kalonji, building environmental technician
Linda Roberts, building environmental technician
Lakisha Rios, administrative support associate
Employee Relations
Adeleen Ashley, human resources consultant
Christina Kopitopoulou, university program manager
Facilities Design Services
Donald Janus III, mechanical engineer
Facilities Operations
William Crocker, mechanical trades technician
Housing and Residence Life
Joseph Russo Jr., facilities management technician for building trades
International Programs
Rachel Ladenheim, coordinator for student and program success
Popp Martin Student Union
Harrison Wells, building environmental technician
Real Estate and Space Management
Linda Haywood, administrative assistant
Teacher Education, Advising and Licensure
Kevin Bailey, academic advisor
Photo: Rachel Ladenheim (front row, left to right), Analiz Laracuente-Espinal, Lakisha Rios, Linda Roberts, Joseph Russo Jr., Ashleigh Smith and Harrison Wells; Adeleen Ashley (back row, left to right), Kevin Bailey, Samantha Baranowski, William Crocker, Linda Haywood, Donald Janus III, Faustin Kalonji and Christina Kopitopoulou.
New Employee Orientation, coordinated by the Human Resources Department, is a two-day program offered twice each month for new, permanent SHRA and EHRA employees. For more information, visit the learning and organizational development website.