
UNC Charlotte is participating in the UNC System-wide Employee Engagement Survey, which will launch Tuesday, Feb. 4 and continue for two weeks. All permanent faculty and staff at the University will receive the survey from “ModernThink” via email and are encouraged to participate. This survey iteration is part of a regularly-scheduled survey on workplace satisfaction […]

Business Services is pleased to announce that Ricoh USA has been awarded a five-year partnership with UNC Charlotte to operate the campus copy/print program. The agreement brings new equipment, updated technology and streamlined management of the campus printers and multifunction devices. Document handling will be noticeably enhanced, more productive and easier to execute, even for […]

Kevin Martin, a UNC Charlotte alumnus, works as an emergency preparedness coordinator in the Department of Safety and Security. A content expert in his field, Martin takes what can be a heavy job and exudes positivity and certainty in all he does. Get to know Martin more in the Q&A below. How would you best […]

Did you know you can recoup some of your commuting costs by posting the empty seats in your car on ShareTheRideNC encourages University employees and students to post their commutes online and find others who are interested in riding together and saving money. To encourage commuters to sign up, PaTS offers the option to […]

As the UNC Charlotte community witnessed a few weeks ago, tornadoes can come unexpectedly with hardly any heads up. Since tornado season came a little early this year, now is a great time to review safety information on the Emergency Management website to keep you ready, alert and secure. Be prepared: Watch the Seek Shelter […]

As many of us are adjusting to working from home, we gave you the opportunity to share what you’ve learned with your Business Affairs colleagues, whether it’s showing us your home office space or a few sentences of wisdom and/or tips for working from home. Take a look at what your Business Affairs colleagues shared […]

Over the last three months, the campus community dedicated efforts toward the RecycleMania competition, from Feb. 4 through March 31, and Earth Month in April. UNC Charlotte’s showing indicated improvement in sustainable practices across campus compared to previous years. Read more on the Facilities Management website.

UNC Charlotte’s Motor Fleet is ranked 84th in the 2018 100 Best Fleets program. This is an improvement from last year’s ranking of 100. The 100 Best Fleets program recognizes and rewards the top motor fleets in North America in operations and performance. Chris Facente, automotive supervisor, accredits the improvement to the fleet’s sustainable practices, […]

The May construction report is now available from the Facilities Management Department. This report does not include all construction projects currently underway, but focuses on the projects of large impact or importance to the campus community. ​Construction projects can affect the campus by changing pedestrian, bike and vehicle routes and creating additional activity at or […]

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) recently received the North Carolina Department of Labor’s (NCDOL) Five Million Hour Award and First-year Gold Award. Theses honors were based on submitted efforts from 2017. The Million Hour Safety Awards are distributed to organizations that achieve at least one million consecutive employee hours without injury or […]

The June construction report is now available from the Facilities Management Department. This report does not include all construction projects currently underway, but focuses on the projects of large impact or importance to the campus community. ​Construction projects can affect the campus by changing pedestrian, bike and vehicle routes and creating additional activity at or […]

Mike Lizotte, University sustainability officer, was interviewed on the Sustainable Nation podcast about his work in making UNC Charlotte a sustainable environment. During the podcast, Lizotte spoke about several sustainable efforts, but considers transportation his largest area of interest, especially with the light rail’s Blue Line Extension to campus. “People seem to see transportation as […]

Bart Bruchok, from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in Orlando, Florida, has joined the Facilities Management Department as its new director of capital projects. Upon his arrival, last month, the associate vice chancellor for facilities management, Phil Jones, expressed in an email announcement, “Bart comes to us with a wealth of experience in facilities […]

It has been said that Chris Gonyar, a two-time alumnus, bleeds green. As the University’s director of emergency management, he oversees emergency preparations and plans, operational emergency response protocols, manages campus-wide emergency response trainings and guides operational and strategic functions of the NinerAlerts system. Gonyar enjoys the campus culture and the talent that University employees […]

UNC Charlotte, with assistance from Clean Air Carolina, recently changed its “Design and Construction Manual” to require contracted companies to reduce diesel fuel emissions while working on campus. These new standards, which will apply to all future construction projects on campus, do not affect projects already in progress or out for bid. Diesel engines produce […]

UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the Aug. 21 New Employee Orientation session: Academic Affairs Flossie (Pamela) Wimbush, Associate Director, Distance Education Assessment & Accreditation Karen Singer-Freeman, Director of Academic Planning & Assessment Belk College of Business Chase Thebeau, University Program Associate College of Computing and Informatics Der Vang, Director […]

Kathryn Horne, director of facilities planning, has been appointed interim associate vice chancellor for facilities management. She succeeds Phil Jones, who is retiring after more than 17 years of service. Lee Snodgrass, director of facilities operations, will be interim associate vice chancellor for safety and security, succeeding Hank James, who is retiring after 9 years […]

Kenneth (Ken) Smith is the new director of university budgets and financial planning. He assumed this role Aug. 1. As the University’s budget director, Smith will lead the budgeting processes for the General Fund and auxiliary and student fee operating budgets. He will be responsible for financial planning and analysis for capital projects and providing […]